(ARTICLES) “Money Is Just Numbers” By @TReflector


In 30 minutes and with the Internet, I’m sure that anyone can write a
plan on how to expend the total wealth of the ten richest persons in
the world. No, that’s not true. In less than one minute, with one
short statement, -“Pay part of the US government’s debt. “- the same
thing can be done.

Think on this for a bit, “Whoever you are, however much money you
make, the speed of human thoughts will always be faster than your
capacity for making money”.

I know how important money is. Most of us do. Virtually every area of
our lives, has some sort of strong underlying connection to our
finances. Even love. Even religion. Whether or not you accept that,
‘Money cannot buy happiness’; you can hardly deny that ‘Generally,
money makes life easier’.

Lifestyle; leisure; shelter; The difference between life and death, or
a widely respected Businessman and unjustifiably despised low-income
worke: The potential reasons to acquire and use money might well be

It’s not hard to see why so many of us are so willing to work so hard,
or risk so much, for so long, to get money.

I do not know anyone that can solve this ‘problem’– if you see it as
one – , I do not know anyone that can give everyone all the money we
want or teach us absolutely guaranteed ways to make money. I do not
believe that anyone can do that for everyone. But I know an
interesting way of perceiving money that could maybe help, and it
consists mostly of ‘Do nots’.

Do not think of all the things that you will have to do to get money
or keep the money. Do not think of the long hours for years that you
might have to work, the crazy risks you might have to take or the
things that you will need to do right, to have lasting financial
success. Do not think of the number of brilliant and talented people
that never earn as much as they genuinely need to live comfortably. It
can get overwhelming and scary that way. Don’t do it. Stop doing it.
Instead? Think of money as ‘just numbers’. Just numbers with zeros
that stand between you  and many of the things you really want.
Ordinary numbers that you need to ‘master’ or learn, to live as you
want. Just Numbers.

Does it still feel as intimidating? To know that you just need to
obtain control over numbers….and all you ever wanted…(well, lots of
it) is within your reach.

“That’s just a mind trick”, you say. “It can’t really work”. To that I
reply that whether you (choose to) see life as half-full, or
half-empty, whether you are pessimistic, or optimistic is really just
a choice of your mind too, and yet such a simple choice can determine
whether you ever find happiness as you live.

Money is just numbers. Believe it.

It can be near impossible to think straight, or ‘think big’ when you
are in urgent need of money, and yet thinking straight, thinking big,
letting your mind roam wide and free, just so happens to be your best
chance, of making big money.

Does a walk feel shorter when you walk with friends? Do you know that
a task is likely to feel easier for you if you’re told that everybody
does it perfectly versus if you’re told that most people fail it, even
if in truth, most people fail it? Has love ever made you feel like you
could handle anything?

Technically, those are all ‘tricks of the mind’- like this one
admittedly – but they make so much of a difference.

Take this step, liberate your mind. “Money is just numbers” is the
phrase I’ve coined. You can use any another you prefer that constantly
reminds you (when it most counts) that your life doesn’t have to tally
up to impressive numbers in some currency to be valuable, meaningful
and promising. And you should never permit yourself to be daunted or
cowed by the numbers.

What is one of the major reasons why people go to schools? Why do
people take jobs they dislike (to put it mildly) and devote themselves
to careers that don’t give them joy? What is one common explanation
for why some people can dictate the choices and actions of others?

Developing the right mental attitude to money, accepting “money is
just numbers” or what it signifies, is a start. But it is not the end.

What comes next, is thoroughly understanding the amount of control
that money has (or can have) over you, and deciding whether you are
content to accept it. Too many people are.

I will write that sequel, too.


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