A Story Of Unrequited Love


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Hello fam! How is it going today? Great I hope. I can’t wait for Christmas, can you? As Christmas draws nearer, my heart struggles to contain its yearning for the sweet, liberating scent of jollof and chicken wafting through windows and doors, pervading barricades and seducing nostrils far and wide. I long to feel the…. okay, let me stop here. Getting poetic about the smell of jollof rice and chicken is something we do in secret yo.

Since today is poetry day, I found something I wrote a while back. This poem is – for lack of better words – a throwback poem. I hope you like it. So here goes……


Once upon a very recent time

In a land not really far at all

Lived a girl who was kind to her last dime

And a boy who the ladies always came to call


Their houses were placed so close together

So closed that they talked through their room windows

Until she started to like him and no other

But other ladies were in that aspect her foes


She was expressive about all but her feelings

And in actions, she showed nothing less than love

The boy took all these as normal dealings

And in turn showed nothing less than brotherly love


This frustrated our girl to no end

And she became very angry

Our boy noticed this new behavioural trend

And wondered over and over what caused her hostility


His concern made it seem he felt the same as she

And then she became her normal sweet self

He noticed and turned to another lady

And put her right back on the shelf


She gets tired and decides to stop fighting

She starts to laugh at his tales of other ladies

She hopes and hopes and finally stops hoping

That he’d see how she’d loved him for eternities


So time passed by and they grew

He travelled everywhere in the world – far and wide

She got married, all the while feeling blue

And he got married, all the while feeling glad


After tons of kids and grand kids on both’s parts

The boy dies a fulfilled death

While the widowed old woman everyday cries

For what could have been that her silence didn’t let


Finally laying on her death bed

In the house where she first fell in love

She swore that her shy secretiveness she would shed

When in her second coming, she falls in love.



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